Saturday, January 24, 2015

It was really warm today - almost 40 degrees.   The snow is really melting, though we may be getting more tonight.

Got a lot of clearing out done today.   I went down to the Art Center to pick up my fiber art piece, Wee Thatched Cottage.   I wanted to put a picture on but am having trouble picking it out of Picassa.   I am way to tired, so will try again tomorrow. 

Was home the rest of the day until 3:30PM when I left for Mass.   Fr. Dan was with the confirmands so we had a guest priest.   He was interesting.   Had to be in Elkhart Lake for the 5:30PM mass.  He is not exactly a speed demon, hope he made it.

My Bret called today and we had a really nice talk.   He is doing well and is out tat the river this weekend.  

Now, I just have to take Nicky out for one more bathroom opportunity, then I will go to bed.   I am so achy and have taken my pills so want them to get a chance to go to work.

Dia Dhuit


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