Monday, January 26, 2015


Took a day off yesterday.

Today was quite nice.   There were only three of us at Bible Study today, but our Ione was back after her surgery so we did not complain.   Helen  Morgan, Ione and I did quite well.  

A story.  I went to pick up hosts to take communion to Mom and her fellow Catholic residents at Meadow View.   I got the key and opened the sacristy and there were NO HOSTS.   The Holy Dusters then came up and told me that on Sunday,  Fr. Bob had to spend the morning at Koher, St. John's and had asked another priest to fill in at Blessed Trinity.    He did not come.   Here was a full church with no priest, so they put together a Communion service and shared the hosts that were blessed at the service.  They said that people were getting teeny weeny pieces, but all received communion.  All that was left in the chalice was about a tablespoon of dust.   So.   I was unable to bring Jesus to Meadow View today.   Mom and those who understand found the story quite interesting and know I will be back next week.   Some of my little people don't necessarily know what day it is anyway, bless their sweet souls.

Home again, I took care of my Nicky.  Bart called and we had a good talk before I had to go to my chiropractor for an adjustment.   I think it helped, my shoulder and neck feel pretty good.   Hope she didn't rile things up for tomorrow.

So another busy Monday.   Tomorrow I should be home all day and intend to get the CWI Gathering Hotel sewed up.    Pray for me.  With that done, my job is really finished.

Dia dhuit


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