Sunday, January 18, 2015

Darn Darn Darn

Blast the Packers.    I was almost going to call Bret when the third quarter was in about 5 minutes, but thought, Naw,  better wait.   What a disappointment.   To come co close and then lose it in those last five minutes.     Well, Seattle fans are on a high.  (As if I care)   I even watched the whole game today, something I have not done often in the past two years.

I went to Mass this morning at 9:00AM - Mass was at 9:30AM but the choir practices for a bit before.   We did well, I think.  It was a lovely mass, I am always pleased to be an active part of the service.  There were donuts and coffee in the hall after Mass, so I joined Kate and a number of our choir members there.   That was fun.   On the way home, I stopped at the liquor store and picked up a bottle of Madeira  for Mom for her birthday present.    I think you know that she will be 99 on Wednesday.    I will bring her present when I go to see her on Monday, but will go back on her birthday at about 12:30PM to share her birthday cake with the residents and whomever of the family who can be there.  It is exciting that Nora and Leif are going to be here.   We will be going out on Friday for dinner.

A new week ahead with a full slate of goals.   That has its goods and its bads.   Without goals, I get loggy and sad, with too many, I get frantic.    This evening, I am not as achy as I have been.   My face is healing very well.   I am blessed with a body that does heal quickly.   So things are looking up.

Hope you have as good of a week ahead.

Dia Dhuit


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