Saturday, July 05, 2014

Not a very busy day, but I did get several things done.   I am about done writing short summaries of the Celtic Nations to include in the book of Celtic Saints for somewhat of a background of what the active missionaries faced and  why they and the other non missionary saints were chosen as patron saints.

The sun was out all day, but there is a nice comforting breeze so humidity is not an issue.  I took a nice walk after lunch.   See. I am getting better about that.

The only other "event" was Mass.   I went to the 4PM Mass and took communion to my friends Rita and Tom. Rita was very weak but her spirit just shines in her eyes.  We had a missionary priest, from the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, who is working in the province of Ghana.   He was very interesting talking about his ministry in two war situations in Africa.

So. Now I am ready to wind down for the night.   My goal tomorrow is to finish my mini Celtic Nation Backgrounds and print them so that I can review them all and be sure that they follow the same general format.

So I am going to sit out on the deck for a little bit and then get ready for bed when it starts getting dark.

Hope your long weekend has been wonderful.  

Dia Dhuit


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