Monday, June 30, 2014


The last day of JUNE already.   This year is half gone. And it has been a full one.

I am still getting calls and notes from people about my Facebook invasion.   It should be OK.  I can only pray that nobody fell for it.   I got the most fun response from Suzi.   She DID refriend and ended up seeing the "big news" that my love had changed and thought maybe I had a boyfriend.   We both had a good laugh about that.   That sure would be a big change, and not one I am really interested in.  But Big.

We had almost a full crew at Bible Study.  With an animated conversation about the Jewish dietary laws and how when the Apostles were presented with the fact it was NOT evil to eat some foods, it was hard for them to accept.  Mainly because we Gentiles are ALSO part of Jesus's chosen ones.

Then on to Mother.  She looked really good today.   I distributed communion to my little people there and then we had a super visit.   I showed some pictures from the 50thJubilee and gave her the mass folder that we brought for her. On the way home I stopped off to just say Hi to Dolores and Ken.   Dolores and I had a cup of coffee together and just gabbed.  

So.  I was home a bit later than usual.   Had lunch and have been working on generally coordinating things around here. 

A storm is passing over this evening.   It is a doozy.   Lots of thunder and rain by the bucket loads.  It was very warm and muggy.  It still is muggy but the temperature has dropped because of the rain.

Speaking of rain, makes me think of the farmers.   I am seeing corn growing now.   I think SOME of it may be knee high.   As the 4th of July is in 4 days, this is encouraging.  My beans and tomatoes and herbs are really doing well.  THey seem to love this weather.

Dia Dhuit until tomorrow.


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