Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Another rainy day and rather cool.   I don't think it even got over 65.   And cloudy ALL day.   Ick.  Sunshine sure would be welcome.  Then we will be complaining about the humidity since it is so wet.

Roxie had her doctor appointment for a recheck of her blood today.   We are going back to two pills a day from 2 1/2.   I know she will like that.   She absolutely hates it when I shove those things down her throat and she is such a picky eater that I can't hide them in food and she did not even acknowledge that pill pockets existed when I tried them.  She has been throwing up lately, often with hair balls coming up.    I gave her butter Monday.   Dr. Connors gave me a tube of stuff to rub on her foot for her to lick off that will help hairball problems without adding fat.   She has regained most of the weight that she lost so that is important.  Dr. Connors also really wants her to eat the KD food so I have two brands of canned that she hasn't tried.   However, she isn't thrilled with the first one which actually smells pretty good.   It is chicken and gravy and smells like its name.   I will leave it until morning as my girl is not fond of trying new things.  

The rest of the day was quiet.   General chores.  Dusted the desk, washed some clothes.   Fixed a really good lunch.   I will just be heating things up for the next few days.

I went for a walk this evening.   I was feeling loggy and needed some fresh air so went for a walk.   My neighbor, Marilyn, was handing out some notices to non computer members of our condo assn. so I caught up with her and we chatted.   Nice to hear voices of an evening.

Some of you may remember the Norwegian Blessing I found years ago.   When I was in Ireland several years ago and shared it, the guide told me he felt that it must REALLY be and Irish Blessing.

And lo and behold I found it in an Irish book of proverbs and blessings.

"May the light always find you on a dreary day
When you need to be home may you find your way
May you always have courage to take a chance
And may you never find frogs in your underpants."

Dia Dhuit


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