Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hello all.

A nice Saturday.   I slept late.   Felt good.   Then I got up and spent the day writing, doing some house things and reading.
Mass was at 4:00PM.   Fr. Dan was the priest.    He is working part time as he is recovering from back surgery.   So we got him this week, and St. Thomas gets him next week.   He does a nice sermon. I was a communion minister,  I always enjoy that.  And I took communion to Rita and Tom on the way home.    She is so thin.   She tires very easily and has trouble holding her head up.   She has a collar but it gets uncomfortable so she wears it until it hurts then removes it for a while and she rests a lot.

I did some calling on New York too.   I will call Vikki tomorrow with what I have found out.   I talked to Sara Deeley, Jeff's daughter who is living and working in New York.  We will hook up with her as much as we can too.

I plan on mapping out an "agenda' of how I think things should be then let Vikki approve.

Fun Fun Fun

Dia Dhuit


Subject: Cute, short and not political

What's in a name?

Do you remember the famous Olympic skier Picabo Street (pronounced Pee-Ka-Boo)?
Well, Picabo is not just an athlete. She is now a nurse currently working at an Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.) of a large metropolitan hospital.

She is not permitted to answer the hospital telephones any longer. It caused too much confusion when she would answer the phone and say, "Picabo, I.C.U."       (Admit it ... You're smiling)

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