Thursday, September 12, 2013

It has cooled off quite dramatically today.   We even had a bit of rain around 4PM, just when the Condo people have been meeting.    We could have put up an awning but it was also really kind of chilly and uncomfortable.

I was busy during the middle of the day.    First, I had my dental appointment.   I now have sparkling teeth and have to make an appointment to see an Endodontic specialist.   Hopefully they will say all is well.   There is something suspicious under a crown that has a root canal too.   The trouble is that it is the anchor for the only bridge, a single tooth, that I have.

Then I sent to the Dukes of Devon and had lunch with Bobbie.   We had been talking about going there as she and Bill like it.  It is an English Pub and especially interested me because they serve mushy peas, which is a mashed pea with mint  recipe from Cornwall.   I have been fascinated by the idea.   The Cornish even have a song.   So.   I requested them for my side with the meal that I ordered.    They were pretty good.   Not mushy in the pasty sense and had a very good flavor.

Bobbie was able to catch me up on the trip they took up north. They had a great time.

Home again, I have been writing and paying bills.   

So I believe that I will call this day complete.

Good rest to everybody

Dia Dhuit


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