Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Home all day.   Roxie is beside herself.   You know what Dick would say?   He would say, how did we get two of Roxie.

I worked on several of the projects that I am at various stages of.    Yea.   I am almost through with a couple.  One of them will be the last.    I am dropping out of the Quilt Club.   I love quilting but at my own speed and when I go to meetings I get involved with club projects which I need like a hole in the head.  The projects are all fum and usually benefit the community but I just don't have time for anything I don't plan.   I can hear Dick again saying.   "No."

That "Plantain" I thought I had was a banana.   I know because it was way too sweet for a plantain.   I would think the store would have marked them better.    Oh well.    I had leftovers for lunch and a cheese, bacon and tomato sandwich for supper.

I baked Scottish Shortbread cookies today.   Tomorrow I want to bake lavender cookies and then one more recipe of shortbread and have tasters decide which are best.

I also have to bake a cake to take to City Park for the Plymouth History Museum.   They have the cake concession for the weekly band concert.

Tomorrow, I will be taking the car in for service at 11AM.  I finally hit 6000 miles.

Ya Hoo

Dia Dhuit


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