Sunday, June 30, 2013

It was almost a perfect Sunday.   I was home all day.   I was able to keep the doors open all day.  

I worked on my next book for quite some time. Mainly, I am gathering information for his life,   traditions,  his feast day and how it is celebrated and why he is the patron saint.  Lots of information out there and I want it to be fun.

I finished sorting most of the fabric in the downstairs closet.   I got rid of a lot and think I have the rest in places that I will be able to find it when I need it. 

Tomorrow will be a busy day, so I am glad I had this day.

Jim and Michele called last night.   This is my week for calling and talking to everybody.  I have left messages for Leslie and Richard and Bret.    Bobbie and I talk every so often so it is not so long between contacts.   But everybody else is so far away.

Talked to Bart and Barb on Friday.   His new stimulator is working just fine. So something is going right.

So that is today.    I found a recipe for a Lemon Balm Cooler.   The instructions were to pick and wash four to six cups of lemon balm leaves and plunge them into 6 cups of boiling water.   Then turn off the water and let the lemon balm steep for 20 minutes.    I did that today.    You are supposed to be able to drink it hot or cold but hot didn't sound good in the summer so I have it in the refrigerator and will try it tomorrow.     I will report then.

Til Tomorrow then

Dia Dhuit


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