Monday, June 03, 2013

A typical busy Monday.   It was cold when I woke up.   In the 40s.   It did warm up nicely into the 60s and with a soft day with nice sun and no wind, it was absolutely lovely this afternoon.

Bible study at 9:30AM.   Everybody was there except for Peggy Feider who is still recovering from her knee surgery.   I called her when I got home and she is recovering well.  She is home and walking with a walker.   She says that it will be a month before she can drive but she feels pretty well.   She sounded good and we miss her so.  We are almost done with our Psalms study and have decided to do Acts next.   So when I got home, I looked up the information and called Lynn at the rectory to order the materials for us.  We have at minimum two weeks left on psalms but probably will be at least a month.   We did not want to be scrambling at the end.

But there were 8 of us there.   We finished our discussion of Psalm 138.   We just had the last question which asked us what we think the church does for the "lowly"  or for that matter what we do for the "lowly".   And who are the "lowly" anyway.    We decided that we are all the lowly if we are not members of the proud hearted who feel and act above everybody.   Then we got to talking about the innocent.   Like the children and what our responsibilities are to those in need.   Tom pointed out that Detroit, has 300 bodies in cold storage that they cannot afford to bury or cremate.   Is this right?

Anyway,  enough of that,  I went to Mom's next.   She looked great and was very alert and awake today.   We had a few bills and things to take care of and then had a fine time to visit.    I always have to check what is on TV in the evening.   There is a movie tonight that I think she will like.   Ice Castles.

Then I came home and had my lunch.    I had a couple of business things to do and bills to pay so am now all caught up for the time being.   It was so beautiful that I opened the front door.   I managed to get the winter storm door out and the screen in.   I will wait for someone to help me get it positioned in the garage but was pretty proud of myself for getting that far.   If I HAD to I could get the rest of the way, but it won't matter if it sits there a day or two.

With the door open I could hear people talking, so I went out to visit with the neighbors who were out working on their gardens and all.   Such a nice afternoon.

Tomorrow will be busy too but Wednesday I will be able to be home all day and Thursday I don't even have anything scheduled at all.


So I hope all my readers are enjoying good weather also.   I know there are fires in parts of Colorado and California.  Louisiana looks sunny and warm like Leslie likes it.   Madison is much like we are.   Lawton looks fine and Oklahoma City is still getting some rain.   Haven't heard from Jim and Michelle.  I left a message this morning.   I figure they will call when they can.   Probably lots to do to just get anything done.   I have the prayer chains and my bible study praying for them and all their neighbors.

So until tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is empty, meaningless rhetoric. We all know the ideology is
worthless, that's what this video clip is about. /No one/ still believes in it, specifically not lecturers right now. Each and every other person going through the grad system with me hated every thing concerning the education system and all of us understood it, we complained regarding how stupid our professors were more than beers right after class. The ideology is built into the framework of schooling, and never believing in it won't
ensure it is go? absent just like the boogeyman.

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