Monday, April 01, 2013

Today was a marathon day.   I left at about quarter after 8AM for A&M Mobility.    They took the Bruno  lift seat and the Joey lift out of my van and it is now restored to just a regular van.   I finally decided that as I do like driving the van, it was most practical to do this.    I was given a refund of a portion of what I paid for the original equipment which I will put in reserve.   I have less than 5000 miles on the van and it is less than a year old so it would really be silly to trade it in unless I hated it.

Then I came home, got lunch and set out on several other errands.    I went to Walgreens and Sun Graphics and to Mother's.    I told her today that I will be going to Oklahoma next week.   We got her bills paid and had a bit of a visit.   

Home again, I rested, then did some computer work and had supper before driving over for the chorus practice for the Plymouth Art Center Show.   

Finally, it is 9PM and I am in for the night.   I am tired, my voice is worn and I am going to go be in bed as fast as I can get there.    Tomorrow is not much better.

Dia Dhuit


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