Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Such a whirlwind today.     I did not have to leave the house until 9:30AM but it was trash day, so I couldn't stay in bed very late.  

I left at 9:30AM to pick up some prescriptions, for myself for a change, from Walgreens.   I also took care of some banking.   Then went to Mother's.   I have listed all of her prescriptions and which pharmacy they are now at.   I am going to consolidate them all at the Aurora on Superior so that we won't have to be going all over the place.    At one time, I was taking Mom to her appointments and getting all the meds but that has changed in the past couple of years so we need to make it easy again.

Next I drove into Sheboygan to The Spa Studio, where Heather O'Grady, gave me a nice massage.   I am feeling much better these days and am trying to do things that will continue the healing.   I picked up a sub from Cousins on the way to the Kettle Country Quilt Club meeting.   I have half of it left for tomorrow.   But boy was it good.

We had a nice meeting.   Toni Nevecosi and I shared two versions of the Cathedral window pattern.    Mine, the traditional.    Hers a modern version that would not make a quilt very easily, but would be an attractive wall hanging or ornament.    Next month, people are going to bring fabrics for whichever one they want to try.    I will just keep working on mine - often it is a year or more between my working on it.   Actually, I need to find more muslin. 

Home again, I changed and went to the funeral home to express my condolences to Alice Behrens.   Her husband, Claude, was a patient with Dick both at Plymouth Care and at Rocky Knoll so Alice and I became pretty good friends.    Claude was a dear gentle soul.  She said he lifted his head and smiled really big and then just went to heaven.    That is so comforting.   He, too, has had a really rough last five years or more.

Barb called tonight.   She has signed up for a quilting class while I am going to be there and wondered if I would like to join her.     We have fun doing things together so I hope there is still room in the class.

Tomorrow will be much quieter.    A haircut and grocery shopping.   Then home ALL the rest of the day.


Dia Dhuit


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