Tuesday, March 26, 2013

When I looked out just before it got dark, it was starting to snow.    Ick.    WILL IT NEVER STOP!  

The rest of the day was OK.   No sun to speak of but it was not windy either.    It was trash day.   Right after I took that out, I drove over to the Clinic for my mamogram.   Yippee- NOT.   It was not too bad and unless I hear from them everything is  alright.   

As long as I was out, I did my grocery shopping.   Didn't need much, but I was all our of eggs, and (would you believe) canned cat food.     That would never have passed muster tonight and I wasn't about to give her tuna.    She gets the tuna juice when I have it but I like tuna myself and she is spoiled enough.

This morning, I did quite a bit of the repairing on Mom's spring quilt and am almost ready for the presentation for the Kettle Quilt Club of how to do Cathedral Window. 

This afternoon, I took a nap.    Also, a couple of men from the Lions Club came and picked up several pieces of the medical aids that I will not have a need for and I know that the Lions club helps people in need with these thing for no cost.    A good place.   I knew one of the guys who came from my days at Wells Fargo.

I finished one more chapter and reviewed another chapter in my cookbook.   I am down to three that need work.     Only one is not at least partially done and it is outlined.

So. a busy day.    Tomorrow and the next day, I can just be creative all day too.  

Bobbie invited me for Easter Dinner.    I am so glad.   I had been putting it out of my mind because I couldn't think of it without Dick.    Now I have a place to go and I m so happy.

Dia Dhuit


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