Friday, March 29, 2013

Another gorgeous day.    The snow is trying its best to melt.  There are streams of water all over the streets, wherever there is an incline.    Blue skies make for a happy day.

I have decided to keep the van.   I have an arrangement with A& J Mobility for them to remove the handicap equipment and restore it to the original.   They will give me a portion of the original cost for the equipment.   I still have less than 5000 miles on it, I enjoy driving it and this is just too soon to be financially practical to trade it in on a new one.   I need to get some use on it first.    I did take it over to show how the seat works to a woman whose son is disabled and could use a seat like that.  They have talked to A&J before so perhaps they could get a deal on a used seat if it will fit in their car.   Monday morning, I will go to have the equipment removed and the vehicle returned to its original status.

I stopped at Fleet Farm on the way home, planning on picking up some 22 ammo as I started pistol league at Rhine tonight.    Imagine my shock when there was not a 22 shell on the shelves.   People are buying and hoarding.    As it turns out, when I got home, I found that I had purchased what I needed for the last league which I was too sore to shoot and I still have a couple of small boxes too, so I am OK for now.   BUT I will be checking whenever I go to a store that carries ammo and stocking up a little at a time myself.

At 1PM I was in church for the Good Friday Service.    It was very beautiful and I was able to be one of the Eucharistic Ministers and gave Jesus to several of my very close friends.   I still always feel to privileged to do that.

This evening, Nancy Roehre and Warren Wieser picked me up at 5PM to go shoot league.     We will have to go out Sunday afternoon to catch up as the league is 3 weeks in and we have to do 5 by now actually, so that Jerry can set up the categories for the pistol league.  I had not shot in probably 6 months.   My hands shake now too.   I never had shaky hands before.   Hope that goes away soon.  I did progressively improve with each of my three targets.   So there is hope.

I will be leaving for Oklahoma on April 9th and will be coming back on April 21st.    Just want to spend time with Bart and Barb and will get to see Jim and Michelle too.  I am trying to get to know Lawton a bit.    I eventually will move there and like to look at real estate ads and things like that but need to know what areas are good and are close to Bart and Barb but still not too close.  We all need to be able to lead our own lives too. It would be nice withing walking distance as I intend to be walking again.   Especially after I get a doggy.

So the day has wound down. And as usual, I am very tired.

So as Mom used to say.   "Up the wooden hill to four corners."

Dia Dhuit


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