Sunday, March 24, 2013

What a lovely day.    A whole day at home with no real plans so I just did whatever I felt like all day.

I slept until 8AM.   Roxie, of course, got her breakfast at 6AM.   Then I puttered about on the computer and had some breakfast and coffee.    A little later, I went down to the den and continued repairing Mom's quilt.    I am going as fast as I can as we all know that spring cannot come until I have finished.   This coming week is really quite uneventful, so I hope to be able to finish it.   Then I have to take it to a laundrymat and wash it very gently and dry it flat on a sheet.

I started getting the sample pieces ready for the Kettle Country Quilter meeting in early April.   I promised to bring the instructions an teach them how to do a Cathedral Window.   Silly me.

Then I came upstairs and had Swedish Meatballs and baked potato for lunch.   I took a nap, then worked on designing the cover of my cook book.  

I got a call from Jim and Michelle this afternoon.    I had tried them earlier, and they were not at home.    They sound good and seem to be doing just fine.    When I go down to Lawton they will come for a visit while I am there, or we might go to Oklahoma City, who knows.    This evening I called Leslie and Bill.   They are fine too and I have a place to stay there if I want to go to Louisiana.   How cool is that.    Leslie and I want to go to New Orleans and Bill said he would take us.  Also called Bret for a bit of information that I needed.

So the day is over.

Love you all


Andrew Ferlinghetti wrote: "I have a feeling I'm falling /on rare occasions / but most of the time I have my feet on the ground / I can't help it if the ground itself is falling."

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