Thursday, March 21, 2013

It is still ungodly cold here.    It did get much over 20 degrees but at least the sun was shining.   I was home most of the day.    I baked some lemon bars for the Plymouth History Meeting tonight.   

I am a member of the History Society,  did no feel up to going to the meeting but I have volunteered to bake and am always glad to help in this way.   You know me and baking so it was a pleasure.

This afternoon, Bobbie and I met at Mead to attend the Mead Board Meeting where they approved the plaque that will be hung in the new adult meeting room.    I also presented the check of the monies donated for his wishes at the funeral.   So tomorrow I will go to the trophy store and finalize the order.   I also want a couple of brass plates.   One for his flag and one for the urn. 

I cleaned both desks tonight and have projects spread all over the table again.   Two will leave tomorrow so that is a plus.    I do this at least once a week and it takes about a week to deteriorate. 
But I get a lot done while the order stays in place.    This time I empties EVERYTHING and polished too.

So.  Bedtime for Mary.

Dia Dhuit


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