Sunday, February 24, 2013

It would have been a whole day at home, BUT my printer ran out of black ink (darn) so I had to go OUT!

I went to Walgreens where I could pick up  some cartridges and refill a prescription that I would have had to do tomorrow.   So - Tomorrow is a very busy day and this will be one stop that I don't have to make.

A neighbor came over late this morning for a visit.   Alison Smith, the condo board president, you remember her, Jim and Michelle, a really lovely lady.    She is such nice gal and has a really big heart.   I think she was worried about me, just because.   We had a very pleasant visit.   I will check in with her when I get back from my trip to visit again.

Then I spent the rest of the day getting things ready for Monday, which has turned into a marathon.  The rest of the week is pretty lazy, thank God, but Monday will test my mettle.   I start at 8AM at Van Horn for a service on the Van.

Must to early to actually BE somewhere.   I didn't used to feel that way.   Must be gettin' old.

Til Tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


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