Friday, February 22, 2013

A snowy day.   I woke up to an unplowed Tallgrass Lane.   Jody got here at exactly 8AM despite the weather, so I figured that it would be alright.   I had an appointment with Dr. Leben, the Physiatrist, this morning.   

She checked me over and decided to give me some steroid injections in the various muscles to see if this will bring some relief from the pain.   I am to call her next week to let her know how this went.

Then I went to see Heather at the Spa Studio for a massage.   That was very relaxing, but with all those treatments, I still hurt.   A day or two should tell the tale.

I decided to spend the rest of the day just puttering around,.   I did a little research on the Saints Davis and Piran, and did a little more trip planning and talked to a couple of people.

My taxes are done, so I will pick them up on Monday.

I talked to the out of state and city kids tonight, except for Jim and Michelle,   I got their answering service so will call them later in the weekend.   It just seemed a good night to do that.    I sure felt good hearing those voices.

Time to get ready for bed now.

Dia Dhuit


"If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague."

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