Monday, February 25, 2013

Just another frantic Monday,

I had to have the car at Van Horn for its oil change at 8AM.  So I brought a book along to read while I wait.    I had Heaven is For Real.    It is SOOO good.  

From there I drove to Sheboygan Falls for Bible Study.   Several people are on vacation, but we had a group of five and lots to say.    The smaller groups sometimes are very intimate. 

Mother was fine today.   We did the pills and bills and had good time leftover to visit.   She really feels pretty will.   She will see the eye doctor on Thursday,  her sight is bad and it is distressing her.   I can't blame her.

I left for Sheboygan from there, picked up some supplies from Office Max and then went to Mark Miller's to get my taxes.   He got done much sooner that I thought he would, it always depends on how busy he is and if he needs more information.    He agreed with me that there is no way to figure out this year at all.   I will file single and probably only have standard deductions.   So we will wing it this year and next year be able to adjust.   

Home again, I took a great nap.    I must have been much more tired than I thought as I intended just to rest for a bit and fell sound asleep.

Tonight I went over to Redeemer Church for a practice for a musical program that will be at the Plymouth Arts Center in May.   My friend Kate has been trying to get me to come for years.   I finally went.   I hope it isn't too much.   I love singing and had a great time but am still trying to pace myself.   We are singing pieces from several Broadway musicals, so at least I am familiar with the music.

So that is the day.   I am now very tired and it is past my bedtime  So rest well tonight and be ready for the day.

Dia Dhuit


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