Sunday, August 12, 2012

We were able to stay home all day today.   I didn't leave the house once.

I got up close to 9AM.   As it was a very disrupted night, this was a blessing.   I also DID get a real nap this afternoon.   I know that I slept for at least an hour. between 1PM and 2:30PM.  We did well today.   I am sore and a bit tired and Dick is kind of tired too but it was pleasant day anyway.

Heather from Embrace Care is here and is training another lady, Diane, to be a substitute, at least while Dusty and Kim are out on health issues.

I talked to Barb and Bart tonight.   They are fine.  Barb is three courses away from her Masters Degree.

This will be a very busy week.  Dick has three appointments.  

I have been practicing my flute every day.   Jim will be very proud of me.

I can't get into my word processing apps so my writing is short and sweet in notebooks.

Richard called tonight to tell me that he is working on my computer.  He will be in communication with Rob who has been working on it at this end.   Richard reassured me that I am not to worry,   It will be fixed and it is only a computer, no matter how I rely on it.   What a guy.   He has a lot of his Dad in him.  Thank you Richard.

I wish you all health and peace.   Pray for all the hungry children in the world.   I remember an incident that happened 44 years ago.   I was feeding my Bret and watching one of these programs on the starving children in one of the drought areas of Africa.  They showed a clip of a starving baby, his boney little arms barely covered by flesh and his eyes as big as his sweet face and I wanted to give him half of what I was able to give to my child.   Here was my chunko who would not have even missed it.   Maybe that is a solution.   If each over-fed child's mother could ACTUALLY GIVE what her child doesn't need to a mother who is watching her child die what a joy this would be.   The mothers of the world helping each other without the interference of government and protocol.
Ah Yes.   I am a dreamer

Dia Dhuit


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