Thursday, July 05, 2012

A rather mixed day again.   It was over 100 degrees most of the day.

Fortunately, I was able to do my errands early.   I left shortly after Kim came to get Dick up and ready for the day.   First I drove to Sheboygan to Home Care Resouces to pick up (I thought) a new bucket for the commode that would fit better.    The one they said was oval was just as round as the one I have - they considered the seat itself, oval, but we have a better one.    I think I could make a fortune if I knew how to mold and make a PROPER commode shape.

I went from there to the bank and then to the grocery store and then home.   I stopped for a couple if things that were on sale today but not Tuesday when I shopped.   I also picked up a pound of ground sirloin so that Dick could have his raw beef and onion sandwiches.   He has been talking about them for a couple of weeks and I decided it was time.

I baked some lavender bread this afternoon.    It will keep beautifully in the fridge and we can have it and some scones that I am making tomorrow with our breakfasts when everybody is here.

I also rested and put my sewing stuff away.   I thought that the pool table ought to be a pool table while company was here in case anybody would want to play.

Last night, as I was closing things down to go to bed, I tripped over my own clumsy feet and scrapped my nose on the carpet.   I look like I got into a fight.   Dick said that I could say anything except that he had hit me    -   again.   He always adds that - again - after a good pause.  Anyway.   I am OK but a bit achy and embarrassed.    I figure another good night's sleep will help a lot and it is looking better than this morning.   I do usually heal pretty quick.

So - now I have confessed my clumsiness and we are starting to wind down for the night.

Tomorrow,  I hope to get to my desk and catch up on some of my emailing and CWI.  Bless you all.

Dia Dhuit.


Nora mentioned that Marcus was not feeling well.  Let's all pray for a quick baby recovery.

"Women are not moody!  We simply have days when we are less inclined to put up with your shit!"  (Came in an email.)

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