Sunday, June 03, 2012

This will be short as I am weary but content.

The pasty baking went just perfectly.   There were 10 guests, including Kathy Deeley and my Cornish friend Tommy O Hagan.   Tommy brought some wonderful saffron cake for a treat.

We made over 50 pasties and had enough filling left so that everybody got to take a bit home for hash for breakfast tomorrow.   I sent two pasties home with everybody and still have the stock that I wanted for the freezer.   They make the best quick meal and are so good.   

Kathy makes pasties too and brought some of her dough which made an extra six pasties.   I will be able to taste her dough and compare it with mine.   She really liked mine though.   So I feel really good about that.   We then had a nice chance for a visit before Jeff came from Mother's to pick her up.  

Duste came at 6:30 to help get Dick to bed and she is helping clean the floor up from all my cooks.   I was pleased with how everything worked in the kitchen.   I had spent two days making sure that the cupboard was clear for the different work stations.   We were able to set up five work stations in the kitchen and up to 6 people working at one time.    It was scads of fun.

So tomorrow starts the first full week of June. It is a rather busy week for me, but quiet for Dick.   He will like that.

Dia Dhuit


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