Friday, June 08, 2012

What a nice day.   It was quite hot.  The thermometer on the deck showed it to be 89.9 this afternoon.  
There was little humidity, so it was not uncomfortable.

I watered all the plants very deeply as it is supposed to stay hot for the next few days.

This evening was the opening of the Alive in the Arts Juried Exibition at the Plymouth Arts Center so I left for the event as soon as Kay arrived to take care of Dick.

I got there just as they were announcing the merit awards and the winners.   It was very eclectic.   There was everything from watercolor to fingerpainting.   My cousin, Stephen Bowser had an entry in again, so I got to see him and his brother and sister and other relatives again.   I also ran into my friend, Jane Kocmond, a fellow poet who also does photography.   She had two entries in the show.   I knew one of the other artists also, Larry Basky who does serigraphs.  

Lots of other friends to talk to also.  Steve Hamer, a realtor friend has taken up piano and is really super.    An altogether lovely evening.

So I go peacefully to bed and will sleep with beautiful pictures in my head.

Dia Dhuit


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