Saturday, June 09, 2012

It was hot today.   I understand up into the 90s.   Thank heavens, we have a nice cool house to live in.

I spent all day trying to just keep ahead of the game.     Kay, from Embrace, arrived at 3:30PM and I went to Mass.   This is the second last Mass that Fr. Van Beek will be saying for us as our pastor.    I put together a Blessing Bundle and a card for him as I am unable to to the the goodby Mass and reception tomorrow.  I appreciate that he has been a good pastor, a teaching pastor.   And when Dick was in Rocky Knoll, I saw him and he came to bless Dick.   That meant a lot to me.

We had stew for lunch and pizza for supper.   A nice easy cooking day.   Tomorrow I intend to wash the outside windows.   I got a Windex thingy that one attaches to your hose.   One of my friends did it so I am going to try.     I will not take a shower and then mid morning, I plan on spraying with insect repellant and then spraying all the windows.    It is supposed to be hot again tomorrow so that should be a good time.

Wish me luck, the windows are really bad.   Kim, one of my helpers did the inside but  I can still see outside dirt.

Till tomorrow then.   By the way, I figured out how to send pictures from Picasa to Blogger with the changes in Picasa, so tomorrow intend to send some.


Dia Dhuit


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