Tuesday, May 01, 2012

"The harder I go, the behinder I get!"

Since I came home, I cannot seem to get caught up.  This morning I got up at 6:30AM for good.    Dick got up twice last night.  Once at 9:30PM just an hour after we went to bed saying he had to go the bathroom.   Then he again at 3:30AM.

At 6:30, we decided to catheterize as he really felt pressure.   Then he rested some more as Ashley, the RN, came to check him and see how the catheterizing is going.    It is not too hard but is just another thing that has to be done and takes time.   We have to do it three times a day.  He says that I don't hurt him and this makes me feel better.

It was trash day, so between 6:30AM and 8AM, I took care of getting that together.   Then, they left one bag and I have no idea why.

Dick had a dentist appointing with Dr. White today at noon for a filling.   So. Tim picked us up at 11:30AM to drop us off there.   This was a good visit.   The cavity was very small and had not destroyed the filling already in the tooth so it was a very easy fix.   We were home by 12:40PM.   This was great because I could fix a quick lunch before Nancy came to give him a bath.

I did lie down for a short nap at 3PM after Nancy was gone.   Good thing.   I am still sore and tired.

Colleen from Embrace came to put him to bed at 6:30AM so I took a drive over to see Mother and take her vitamins to her.   When I went on Monday, I forgot to take them along.   So I filled up her pill box and then we had a nice visit before her caregiver came to help her get to bed.

I got home at about 8AM.   In plenty of time to be sure that all was well with dick and do my business.

Tomorrow, I will be doing all my outside stuff in the morning and then will not have to leave for a day or two, so I figure I will be able to get sorted out and caught up.    While help is here, I can go downstairs and sort and check the shelves down there.   After the Gathering.   I have a real chore to get that accomplished.   But a couple of hours with someone else taking care of Dick will allow me to do a LOT.

So Are you sick of me yet.    It really was quite a good day after all.    Tomorrow I think I will fry out some brats as I have some hard rolls and some nice red potatoes for a salad.   Want to join us?

I did want to tell you a bit more about the weekend.   On Saturday   we had a Low Tea, presented by a chef from the American Club.   We found out that a Low Tea is really the more formal of the teas.   A high tea perhaps referring to the fact that it is usually later in the afternoon and was usually rather informal for the working man as he came home from work.   Anyway, we had tea, tea sandwiches (cucumber and salmon) and several tea breads and cookies and short breads.   We got the recipes for four of them and we have requested the rest, including the crayfish/Andoule sausage gumbo that we had for dinner the night before.  It was such a delightful presentation.  

More tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit


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