Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Today was rather strange. I have felt rather weak all day. I took two naps. This helped some but I hope that this is not how I will be feeling every day. The nurse that came to take the blood test for Dick's INR kept telling me I look pale. This never helps as we all know. We know that if someone comes up to us and says "You look awful" you start to feel that way. I got the grocery shopping done while Kay from Embrace was here and I also got my hair cut. I feel 100 lbs lighter. Yvonne, an RN, came to do the IRN on Dick today. His count was 2.1 - perfect. So we are staying on the same dosage of warfarin for a week and then will retest. I pray for the day that we can test once a month. So perhaps someday things will become normal. The new normal. Dick was content today and felt pretty good. Marty from I spent as much of the time that I could stay awake sorting the papers that have accumulated on my desk. Tomorrow should be a final catch up day. We ate good today. Leftovers for lunch and venison steaks for dinner. I am going to bed at 8PM despite my two naps. I hope that this is just the settling in of the procedure I had done. Currently I itch, am numb and hurt. I must believe that healing is taking place. Dia Dhuit Mary The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson

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