Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This was the first new normal day for us using Embrace Care.   Wednesday and Thursday a helper comes in the morning from 7 to 10 to get Dick up and everything and to do any cleaning or other chores that I need done.

Heidi came today and I took off shortly after she got her to go grocery shopping, to the bank and to Walgreens to shop.  Imagine not having to rush through everything.  I am much more rested tonight.   It helped that Nancy came this afternoon and gave Dick his bath too.   

I was able to go downstairs and have now finished one of the three projects that have to be done by the end of April.

At 5:30PM, a nurse from VNA came to take the blood test that somehow or other did not work on Tuesday.  They were telling me that I would have to bring him back in and I said no.   I knew that Dr. Sharon could order it from the VNA as we are still on their "payroll".   Because of the procedure on Monday, our VNA requirements will probably be extended, at least for a couple more weeks.   I will have to learn a couple of things and he will have to heal.

Dick was a happy camper today.  I prepared the famous Kunert Spinach Noodle Egg casserole for dinner and he had some for supper too.

Tomorrow I will be talking to Dr. Sidiki about a procedure that might eliminate the pain from my ribs.  I am so glad that I have people coming out to be with Dick while I do these things.

Dia Dhuit


Another Haiku without a name

With blood on the page
And tears flowing from my eyes
I mourn for my youth.,

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