Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The home care people came at 7AM.   I made sure that they knew about the Foley and everything and then I took off to meet Dorothy Rose at The Wilderness for breakfast.   We were exchanging information and things for the Gathering which is less that a week and a half away.

Life is trying to throw stumbling blocks in my way, but I am doing my best to make them stepping stones.   The Foley was originally supposed to be removed next Tuesday and there then will be three times a day catheterizing.   As I will be responsible for that, and will be gone over the weekend of the 27th, this was a big problem.  But I called Dr. Herman and as it turns out, there no problem with leaving the Foley in for that extra week.  So that will be the case.

I am still trying to figure out how to easily get the stand lift moving to put him to bed after I have my procedure on Monday.   Once it is pointed in the right direction, it is a snap.

After breakfast I did the grocery shopping and picked up a couple of prescriptions at Walgreen's.   I was home before 10AM which is when the aides from Embrace leave so that worked out very well.

We had Catavarti for lunch.   I was able to freeze a whole casserole and we have plenty for the next couple of days.   Good thing as things are picking up around here and meals in reserve will be a blessing.

Mike from Accessability came today and brought the rests for Dick's legs so that we can take the prostheses off and he can rest the stumps.  Mike is going to design an extention for the foot rest so that Dick's feet will stay on it and not dangle.

The rest of the day has been very quiet.   I made several phone calls and email connections and worked on the wall hanging.I will be able to finish all but the edging tomorrow morning.  

Tomorrow I can pick up the new lenses for my glasses and since I will be out, I intend to stop at the Sewing Basket to show the wall hanging to them.

Now it is almost 8:30PM and I am going to get ready for bed.  So sleep tight.

Dia Dhuit


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