Friday, March 23, 2012

We had our first gloomy rainy day in a week. It was a bit cooler, but still not at all cold. The rain was welcome.

We started off the day with pancakes. I have been hungry for pancakes for a week and Friday seemed a good day for them. Jody got here at 8AM to do the cleaning. Yvonne, the RN, came at 9AM to check Dick's vitals. He is just fine again. Even his sugar count was only 112 this morning. OK if everything is so wonderful, why is he getting weaker by the day.

After Yvonne left, I went and did a couple of quick errands as I knew that Jody would be her if an emergency came up. Jody is a wonder. She was late coming home from another job yesterday so was going over to Mother's when she left here today.

Than, at 12:30PM, Mary Pitch from Embrace Home Management came with an aide, Heidi. We reviewed the problems that we are having. Frankly, I could not get Dick up again today. His knees and legs are not working properly. I have been sitting on the floor and holding his knees steady and this is just too hard on my body. Mary and Heidi suggested a step lift that will allow us to strap Dick to the lift. Bring him up. Move the chair and then slide the commode under him. IT WORKS. With any luck at all, I will not have to be holding his legs up on the ground any longer. The next day or two will tell the tail. Tomorrow, I can call the Embrace Home Management to find out what help we can get for Bobbie on Sunday when I will be gone.

I am seeing some light for myself. Now if we can only figure out what is causing Dick to be getting weaker every day, we would have it made.

So Tomorrow I Will be home all day and we will work on the lift. I got a call from the Department of Aging and Disability and they will work with us and with Mary to do the best we can for us. As I heard from Mary first, we will start things with her but they all do work together.

So wish us luck. I have faith that nothing is given that I can't handle. I wish God thought that I was weaker.

Dia Dhuit


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