Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another absolutely gorgeous day.  Sunshine all day and temperatures in the upper 70s.   Wisconsin is kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop and hoping  that it won't.   We are finding it rather difficult to remember the old adage "Never plant until Memorial Day."   That is two months from now, for heaven's sake.

Otherwise, it was not a great day.    We had trouble with Dick transferring from chair to wherever.   He fell again.  He is just so weak.   So I have called Tim, from Comfort Care and Transport to take him to see Dr. Kream tomorrow.    I have calls in to several agencies that say they will set up consultations with me to see how we can get help in here.  The trouble is that there are no specific times, like in the morning from 7 to 9 or in the evening from 5 to 7  that we can specify.    It is just whenever he needs to transfer.   But we will keep working on it.    Monday we will see Dr. Sharon after all the specialists have their reports in and hopefully we can come up with a PLAN.

I had my mammogram today too.  So what else can I say.

Marty from the Wisconsin Prosthesis also came by today and worked on Dick's prosthesis.   We are trying new sleeves.   So far no good because he is so very weak.  But perhaps after a good night's sleep we can have some results in the morning.

Anyway,  pray for good sleep for both of us.   I am a bit concerned as my ribs and back are a bit sore after the past couple of days.    I know that we have to figure something out.

So, tomorrow, Dr. Kream and an antocoagulation check. 

Dia Dhuit


Dave Barry said "You can say any stupid thing to a dog and it will look at you as if to say: 'My God, that's
fascinating!  That never would've occurred to me' "

I miss my doggy.

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