Monday, March 19, 2012

A quick post tonight.  

I left for Bible Study after getting us up, dressed and fed.  It was about 9AM.  I stopped at the post office to send our present for little Marcus to him.  

There were just 4 of us at the Bible study and we had some really nice discussions.   We have now finished the group of Royal Psalms that we have been studying and are moving on into the Laments.   We are looking forward to them.   I have read and heard some of them at Mass and they are a good way to vent feeling lost, afraid or sorry for oneself.   I think it is probably God's way of telling us that is OK to feel that way sometimes.

Then Peggy Feider joined me to go to see Mom.   Peggy and Mom knew each other by sight and reputation, but have never really talked.    Nora and Leif were there when we got there so the five of us had a nice visit before Peggy had to leave.  Then I got to visit a bit with Nora before they had to leave to go see Aunt Kathleen.  Which left enough time for me to help Mom with the bills and fill the pill box for her.

Home again, we had our lunch and then took off for the Sheboygan Clinic.   Dick's coagulation count is coming up but is not perfect yet.   At least I don't have to give him any more shots.    Then we had an appointment with Dr. Herman, the urologist.     He had a test which shows that there are no cysts which is good news.   There is a diabetes related problem that we will be working on.  Hopefully - no more infections.

I wish that there had been more time with Nora, but we are really so blessed that in our age, travel is so much easier and that they were able to be here at all.    In our younger years, this was not an option.

Dancing with the Stars is on and I am enjoying it despite the interruptions.    There is a really good cast of Stars this time.   It is going to be really hard not to vote for them all.

Tomorrow is already full in the morning. Hopefully, I will be able to take a nap in the afternoon though.   That was impossible today.

We had a bit of rain today.  A welcome rain, not too cold and not really heavy.  Just soft and steady.  Some people have daffodils already.   Mine are coming up but no blooms yet.  But as I said, I have crocuses and they are beautiful.

Dia Dhuit


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