Monday, March 05, 2012

Dick and I got up at 6AM today because of the busy schedule.

We were all up, fed and dressed when Betty, the RN, came to check Dick out and take MORE of his blood.   This time it was just for the INR.  I left while she was finishing up so that I could get to Bible Study on time.

We never heard from anybody at Aurora about what the reading on the INR was so we don't know if the coagulation count is low enough to do the procedure on his lung or not.   I will be calling Dr. Kream in the morning to find out what is going on.   

I left for Bible Study a bit after 9AM and stayed until 10AM.   We had a nice discussion about Psalm 20 and God's promise to the Israelites and to US.    I also have everybody there praying for Dick and me as we are going through all these tests and procedures.

Then I went over to Mom's.   I needed to spend an hour with her so that we could get the bills paid and I could do any other little things she needed, like fill the pill box for her.    Someone else would have done it anyway, but I was there.   I wanted to have time to tell her about the procedure that I was having this afternoon.   It is so much easier in person.

I got home at about 11:15AM and then fixed dinner for Dick before Kate came to take me to the Plymouth Surgical Center for the steroid injections.  That seems to have gone very well.   I will still have the soreness in my ribs for a couple days and right now, I am really quite exhausted.   It was, after all, an invasion of my body.   So I plan on going to bed and reading for a while.

So pray for us as I pray for you all.

Dia Dhuit.


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