Sunday, March 04, 2012

A busy, mostly at home, Sunday.    I slept until 7:30AM or so and Dick stayed in bed until 9AM.   He actually woke up then and sat on the edge of the bed for a while before getting up.  So he had a half a sandwich after he was up and took his pills and did his nebulizer.  

Warren and Nancy picked me up at noon and we went out to Rhine to finish shooting for the pistol league.   As you remember, Friday night was not a night to be out  and about.   I found out that there was some shooting of Trap that night though.  Murphy said that he was there and shot a couple of rounds.   I suppose that those who started out there figured that they might as well continue once they got on the road.     It was not fit for man nor beast if you ask me.    That drive from Sheboygan was more than too much for me.  I didn't end up too badly.  It is still fun and that is the most important thing.     Next week is the bust up and then the new league starts the very next week.   Whew.   Sure glad I am not a member any more.    This is enough.   Work hours would kill me.

I got a lot of chores done around the house and was able to get the baby quilt for the Kettle Country Quilters to a point that I can take it with me to show it if I am able to attend the meeting on Tuesday.   It will depend on how I weather the cortisone shot at 12:30PM tomorrow.   I should be fine by then.

There is always the chance that they will schedule Dick's procedure to drain the fluids from under his right lung too.   Help!!!!!

It is going to be OKAY!  Don't worry, Mom.    That is what Bret said to me when he was about 3years old and it is a great thing to remember and know is true.   I so appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts.   I always know that Jesus and the saints (especially Dad and the rest of the family) are with me too.   Very comforting.

So.  Lets all rest easy tonight.   It is after all the beginning of a new week and as my Celtic friends say, we are now well into the holy month.   Less than two weeks until St. Patrick's Day.   I only hope that the weather is as lovely as it was last year for the Irishman's Walk in Plymouth.   I will enjoy my friends and the celebration and I believe a gathering at my sister, Eileen's home in the evening.    I LOVE the Wearin of the Green!!!

Dia Dhuit


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