Thursday, November 10, 2011

What a day.    It flurried most of the day.   Not really snow.   Nothing stayed on the ground  But it flurried all day and it was cold.  Never above 38 degrees.

I spent the morning packing for my trip to Chicago this weekend.  I need to bring everything I need but not any more than I need as room in the car will be at a premium.    I refined my presentation and spent time with my Roxie.

I got to Rocky Knoll at 11:00AM.   We sent down for PT right away and it was a very successful session.   He is walking pretty good.  Lifting the legs and making good steps and going 32 feet or more each time.

I am beside myself with excitement.   This is great.

Dick sent me home at a bit after 2PM because he was worried about the weather and me.   Isn't he the sweetest thing?

I spent the afternoon with a bit of sewing. (I have two projects that have to be done by December 6th, com hell or high water.) 

I went over to the neighbors, Don and Jan, to be sure that Jan was on for this weekend to take care of our Roxie.   She loves Roxie.   We visited a bit and shared a glass of wine.    Then I came home to finish up for the evening.  I told Jan that if her grandsons want to come and visit Roxie, they are welcome.   He grandsons are two of the nicest young men that I have met in a long time.

So I will try to get some extra sleep tonight as tomorrow is a very busy day and the next morning I leave for IBAM.

So rest yourselves also.   God love you


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