Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A day on the run but a very successful one.   It was raining when I woke up and kept raining most of the morning.

I got the trash all gathered and out before leaving to be at Rocky Knoll by 9:15AM so that I could be sure Dick was ready for his Eye Doctor appointment.    Tim came to pick him up at 9:45AM.   It was easy to keep him dry loading him up because of the overhang.   But we had to scramble a bit with the umbrella to get him into Advanced Eye Care as they do not have a sheltered entrance.  We made it pretty easily and the rain had really let up quite a bit by the time the appointment was over.  Things went pretty well.   There is a slight change in his vision, and that pesky lash was back but continuing with the drops and occasionally the ointment seems to be helping.

We got back at about 11AM and I took off immediately to do the grocery shopping, banking and stop at the pharmacy for more drops for Dick.    Managed to get it all done and be back at Rocky Knoll by 1:15PM so that I could be there for his PT.  We were SO excited.    He was able to walk again.   He walked twice - once he went 32 feet and the second time 16 feet.    He also stood between the bars and practiced swaying back and forth and marching to strengthen his hips and knees.    His voice is still very weak but that really bad physical weakness seems to have diminished. 

At 3PM we went down to On the Rocks for our "date".    That was pleasant.   We sat with a very nice gentleman and were able to visit with other attendees.   I came home shortly after we left there.   

I have been able to get the house picked up, find a book and get some wash done.   Roxie is so glad to have me home.    She is so funny.   I have two exercises that I do on the floor.   She finds that very interesting and always comes to talk to me about it.

So, tomorrow will be less crammed.  I am having lunch with friends and will spend the afternoon with Dick.

God love you


My sister in law sent me the following.    It is funny.

Bad news for you!

To save the economy, on
December 30, 2011, Congress will announce that they are ordering the immigration department to start deporting old people (instead of illegal’s) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs.

Old people are easier to catch, and will not remember how to get back home!

I started crying when I thought of you...

.....see you on the bus.

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