Friday, October 28, 2011

Today was a rather lucky day.   I beat Dick at Rummy today for the first time in about a week AND I saw a line of wild turkey hens crossing the road on my way home from shooting at Rhine tonight.  

I left for Rocky Knoll at 9:30AM so that I would be there when Tim from Wisconsin Prosthesis got there at 10AM.   Tim was on time.    He checked the final left prosthesis and declared it done.   Then Corrie, Tim and I helped Dick get up and walk so that Tim could check the right prosthesis that is still in the shrinking stages.    He made some adjustments that we feel will help Dick distribute his weight better and place his feet more correctly.   Now - Practice - Practice - Practice.

After lunch and playing cards for a while, I headed for Sheboygan.   I left at about 1:30PM.   I stopped at Glander Drug to pick up something for Mom, then went to the Memorial Mall to spend my 16 dollars in credit from Hallmark.   I got some nice paper plates and matching napkins and the neatest plaque for Halloween.

I picked up some feathers and small rickrack at Hobby Lobby, then went to The Clinic for my appointment with Dr. Holmes.   My rib pain has shifted some but when I told him how it was feeling, he said that this is what he was hoping would happen.    The nerve that was injured is slowly healing and I need to continue with my exercises to keep up the healing.   I was relieved because this is such a slow thing to be healing anyway.

I finished earlier than I thought I would so I stopped at Woodlake on my way to Rhine and picked up some choriso, Revolution Earl Grey with Lavender and a couple of bottles of wine.  

My last stop WAS Rhine where I finished the last two targets for pistol league and visited a bit with the guys.   I showed them (especially Doc) the pictures of me with the corn snakes draped around my neck in Dublin.

Home for the night,  after making my apologies to Roxie for being late, I fixed supper and now am settling down for the night.  

Have a great weekend.   This is the weekend of our Samhain dinner.   Prelude to Halloween.  Looks like we will have a pretty nice group there.

Til tomorrow then.   Love and God love you all.


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