Monday, October 03, 2011

This was the strangest day I can think of.   I got up and did a lot of work around the house until it was time to go.   The trouble is that I was supposed to leave at 9AM for Bible Study.    I had that on my list, right in front of me, but my head was thinking 11AM, which is when I usually leave for Rocky Knoll to be with Dick.  

All of a sudden, I looked at the clock and it was 10AM and the fact that it was Monday penetrated my fuzzy brain so I got in the car, which was all loaded for the day, and got to Blessed Trinity just as the group were getting up to say the scattering prayer.    Boy did they laugh at me.   But I am glad I stopped when I did because they were all worried that perhaps something had happened to Dick.  It isn't at all like me to not let them know if I am not coming.

Then I went to Mom's.  We had a couple of bills to pay and had a nice stretch of time to just gab and catch up.   George and Betsy had sent pictures of Shawn's daughter, Beth.    She is adorable.   In one of the pictures she has a smile that lights up the world.  

I left from there to go to Hobby Lobby to have a painting that Matt painted that Mom has had behind a dresser for forever framed.    It is called the Council and I really like it.   I also have a small one that I call the Conquistador if anyone in the family would like to have it.  I like it and will keep it if nobody wants it but I feel a bit greedy having two when he painted so few.

I at lunch at the New China Kitchen then went to the Medical Center to have my first chiropractic appointment in many a year.   I will have to go a few more times, but he does believe that he will be able to bring relief from the pain in my ribs.

Then I went to Rocky Knoll and stayed with Dick until he went down to the dining room for supper before coming home.  I had a light supper and make a couple of phone calls and now, as that doctor appointment really wore me out, am going to bed. Perchance to dream.

I love you all


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