Friday, September 16, 2011

It was a red letter day today.

I spent the morning at home but left for Rocky Knoll at about 10AM.   I had to stop and get a small booklet printed for tomorrow's scone baking CWI event.  I am really all ready as I don't have to prepare anything since the snacks will be the scones.

I was there for Dick's OT.   They were trying a new procedure for transferring which I wanted to be there for.   I need to know all the procedures that he has learned so that when he comes home, I can assist him.

We had lunch together and then at 1PM, Tim from Wisconsin Prosthesis arrived with the new prosthetic. 

We spent about an hour and a half, Dick, Tim, the PT staff and me getting that new prosthetic on and doing adjustments for comfort between several stands.    He sure looked good standing on two legs again and after all the fitting and fussing, Dick walked the length of the parallel bars.   

Now he has to spend the nest week and a half practicing standing, wearing the prosthesis as much as possible until Tim comes back again for more adjustments as the stump is still forming and shrinking.   After a few weeks,  he will get the final sleeve with the permanent attachment.   All went very well.

Nancy and I went shooting tonight.   I had not been to the club in months.   It was good to see so many of my friends but I don't feel that I can recommit to the work involved in membership.   Nancy's friend, my cousin Warren joined us shooting tonight.   That was fun.   League actually started last week but we were unable to shoot last Friday.     I didn't do too badly as it has been three months since I shot last.     I at least got all the shots on the target.

Now I can wind down for the night.   Tomorrow I will be going to see Dick at 9AM as I want to be home by noon to do the last minute things for the gathering tomorrow afternoon.

So I hope you have a lovely weekend and that all your dreams come true.

God love you


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