Tuesday, June 07, 2011

We were home most of the day today and able to stay in the house.   As the temperatures rose, we were so glad to be able to stay in a home with air conditioning.  It was only 25 years ago in our home at Creek Side condos that a hot summer caused Dick to say   " I don't care if the heat spell ends tomorrow, we are getting air conditioning." 

And the next year I got a call from Aunt Helen.  The heat was oppressive and she couldn't stand it any longer.   So I sent Dick to get her and take her to our home to cool off.   She said that I saved her life.  

Aunt Helen was not a cat person,  But  she told me that on that day,  Dick ensconced her on the couch in the living room.   She felt something near her and opened her eyes to find our Taco looking right into her eyes.   He also was a gentle sweet child of God and they bonded nicely.   It made her feel welcome and safe.   Helen got air conditioning that summer herself.  

I wonder how we all survived all those thousands of years without it.

Today was trash day and this day as every Tuesday, we give thanks for the men who come to pick up and dispose of the trash that we put out for them.  Can you imagine if there would be any path to us at all if we could not get rid of all the junk that comes into this house? 

Barbara called today.  How good to hear her voice.   We want to win the lottery so that we can move south now.   We are dependent on so much until we are really ready at this point.   Of course, as long as Mother needs me, I would not move anywhere else anyway.

Three of the tomato plants that Jeff and Kathy gave me are growing nicely, even the cherry tomato that broke.   I am amazed to watch it growing new leaves and stems at every broken place on it's poor stalk.   Year for it.

I found on of the daily Haiku that does not sound too bad.

The incessant wind
Is moaning around the house
Trying to enter.

Most of them are pretty bad but this in not the worst.  It gives me hope.

God love you


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