Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday is shopping day.   So that is how it started out.   As I got to bed very late last night so it was not easy for me to drag myself out of that comfortable bed.

But I did and got out the door at about 8AM to go to the Pig.   Shopping went well.   I got everything on the list and not too much more.   I loved the bargains that I got.  

Home again, I have just about cleaned off the dining room table AGAIN.   I am sorting some papers for Mother and that is done and I worked on genealogy for a while and then got ready for the Poetry Circle that Karl Elder hosts that was this evening.    I really had too much going this week, but when I emailed Sy Regan that I would drive him, the week was MUCH quieter.   Sy really can't go unless I take him because he can't see.

It was a nice Poetry Circle,  there were about 9 of us there.   We shared our poetry, got nice critiques and then shared books and writing tips and encouragement.   This is the last one until the Fall, if Karl can get the time from Mead again.   I think I will email Mead to tell them how much I enjoy the meetings.

I read a haiku from the trip about the flight across the Atlantic.

Darkness surrounds us.
We fly over the ocean
Held up by angels.

They liked it and Karl pointed out a double entendre in the third line.   Think about it.

God love you


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