Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This has been quite a day.     I got up a bit early so that I could do our grocery shopping early.

Bobbie and I had to drive Dick to see Dr. Fehrman, the orthopedist, for a 9:30AM appointment.   So I went shopping at 7AM..  Everything went quite well and I was home again before 8:30AM.   I had plenty of time to put the groceries away before we loaded him up for the drive to Aurora. 

Boy is the new motorized chair ever wonderful.   He tootled out the door and down the ramp so easily and when we came back Bobbie and I didn't have to push him or steer him at all.   He is still a bit awkward on the steering but that will take time and he is basically right on.

Now for the news of his appointment.   Dr. Fehrman had the Xrays of Dick's foot and was able to show us that the infection has eaten away at the toe and the metacarpal bone of the little toe on his right foot.  There were three choices for treatment.   Antibiotics which have a rather poor prognosis because of the poor circulation in the leg.   Amputation which we are not at all ready for.   Or the removal of the infected to and part of the bone.   This will take a long healing also because of the poor circulation but would leave the leg for support.

I told Dick it was up to him and I would support him in whatever he decided.   We could have taken time but he said he just wants to get it over with and has opted for the toe removal.   The surgery is scheduled for 6/2/2011 at Sheboygan Memorial Hospital.

Pray for us.   

Had the spring servicing of our air conditioner today too.   Everything checked out and he make sure that the freon level was good.   I found out why the humidifier seemed to be behind the 8 ball this winter.   Nobody told us there was a summer and winter setting on the thing.    NOW we know and bet we will be just fine next year.

I talked to all the kids tonight.   Good to get reassurance and to tell them the news in person.

God love you all


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