Sunday, May 22, 2011

I got home rather late last night from the concert at the Plymouth Art Center, so decided that the picture of the flowers would do for that day.

The concert was excellent.   Dan Clausen picked a wonderful eclectic group of songs featuring George Shearing, Aaron Copland and John Rutter.   Among them - Get Me to the Church on Time and All That Jazz.   Mary Calvey's Irish band also performed during each segment.   A real pleasure.   Because I picked up Ron on my way and Kate bought my ticket for my birthday, I stayed after the concert for the cast party.   Boy do they have lots of good food and did we have fun.   I have to tell you what Kate did.   During the intermission, Lori Luther played piano background music and Kate came out and had her play Happy Birthday to me and the whole audience sang it.   WOW.

Bart and Barb and Jim and Michelle called and I got cards from Bobbie and Bill and Leslie and Bill.  I am still going through the Facebook greetings.   What a Birthday.

The day was busy besides that.  At 9AM I picked up SHARE.   Then at 10AM I had to go to the Condo Meeting.    Looks like we will have an increase in our assessment.  Not surprising since the last increase was three years ago and we all know how everything costs more now.

Sunday was supposed to be my quiet day.  I WAS home all day, But it was anything but quiet.   I went downstairs to turn on the water for the summer.   I thought that I had the faucet in the garage turned off.  But guess what.  It was NOT off.  SO.  I had to wash that half of the garage floor.  Not an easy job I tell you.

Alison had an open house at Dick's house today.   Things are moving fairly well in the complex.   Four units have sold this year.

THEN:   I had noticed that the water was running down in front of the door during the last storm.  Not a good thing. as the gutter should take it to the outside and down.  So I took a ladder out there and found that one of the filter covers had collapsed and the gutter was full of gooky stinky guck.    I got all stinky and think I got most of it loose, but it is not quite right yet.   Dick says that that should be a condo thingy.   I am not sure so I emailed Lenys and will see what the concensus is before I attempt any more.

We had stew and baked potatoes for our dinner.   Very good and I make some twice baked to freeze for future meals.    They are good too.

Got Dick's wound dressed and his bath.  SO I am exhausted.    It is almost nine so I will finish my tea and then hit the hay as my Dad would have said.   Tomorrow will be quite busy as it is Monday and Dick sees Dr. Moreno tomorrow afternoon.

Hope your weekend was restful and you are ready for the next.

God love you ,   I do.


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