Friday, May 13, 2011

I'll bet you missed me last night.   I tried several times to get on to Blogger but it was down for maintenance and wouldn't let me.  So I gave up and went to bed.

The past two days were busy with a medical appointment each day for Dick.  Yesterday, Dr. Moreno checked the wounds and said that they are improving but still need help in healing.   So we go back in a week and a half to check them again to see the results of a new med.

Today we went to the anti coagulation clinic and he is good so we don't have to go back for a whole month.  Glad something is working.

This afternoon, I did go out to pick up some ammo as I am almost out again and the last kind I tried was just awful.   I bought a different brand that one of the shooters, Fred, recommended that I can get at Fleet. 

I am so grateful that Bobbie is able to come out to help get her Dad in and out of the house.   Don't know what we would do without her.  

We had a "Pauper's lunch" today.   Soup, fruit and cheese.   I was remembering that there was a restaurant in California that served that.   It was quite popular.   All the soup you wanted.   I made BLT soup which was really good.   I sometimes forget about that soup.   This time I had lettuce that needed to be used and what a good way to see that it did not go to waste.

Yesterday, on the way home from the doctor, we were listening to a program on PBS about the end  of the world.   It confirmed what someone told me a several weeks ago,  There is a prediction that the end of the world is going to occur on May 21st.    As I told, whoever that was, I can't think of any more exciting way to spend my birthday and everybody will come.    Bobbie said that it should save buying a birthday present.  Which does make perfect sense.

Just so you all know and can get ready for the "party in the sky".  Otherwise,   Life is pretty good as I know it anyway.   I have people that I love and people that love me.   What more is there.

God love you all


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