Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I DID get to stay home all day.    So often something comes up and I have to get in the car and go somewhere, but not today.

I got up at about 8AM.   A little bit of a longer sleep,  I might have stayed in bed even later, but it is trash day and I figured I had better get that out.   They usually come to Tallgrass in the afternoon, but just once in a while, they come in the morning to confuse us.

My desk is almost clear.   I sorted and updated and prepared.  I sent out emails and printed documents and did some planning.   Sunday, I will turn over the last of my President of CWI to Debbie and be ready for just being the head of the Sheboygan County Branch and a member of the CWI board which is much easier.

It was gorgeous today.   I took a nice walk around the neighborhood today.   A few neighbors were out puttering in their yards.   I ran out of time for working in the yard myself.

The weather was beautiful and still is.   We have opened up all the doors to let the fresh air in.   Roxie was interested for a while but has now settled on the desk like a little lump.   She keeps wanting me to open up the screens too.  She would probably be like our Waylon.   He got out the back yard at Bart and my home on the Sheboygan River in Sheboygan Falls.   He started down the hill like a shot.  I raced after him afraid that he might make it to the river and disaster.   He stopped suddenly and looked around.   Hearing the roaring spring river and looking up at the trees towering above him, he froze.   When I got to him he climbed me, literally, and wrapped his paws around my neck as if to say.   " What were you thinking, letting me get out here.  Take me home!!!."   So I did.

Have a great evening

I love you all


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