Thursday, April 28, 2011

This day worked out OK.  But it was odd.   We were home alone all morning and I was able to get Dick bath and  all ready for his appointment with Dr. Moreno.   I did a lot of packing and preparing for the two meetings that I am responsible for at Galena.

Bobbie got here just before 1:30PM and we loaded Dick up for his doctor appointment.  It was a good thing I decided to take him in.   The callous on the bottom of his foot and the sore on the shin are still superficial but are slightly infected.    We have it worked out so that I will dress the wound tomorrow and then resume on Sunday night.  He is also on anti-biotics which he can handle himself while I am gone.   Bobbie will be coming out each day to be with him over the lunch time and into the afternoon.   I Bless her every day that I have her in my life. 

Then, after we got home, I dropped of a book at Kate's, stopped at Sun Graphics for more copies, went to Walgreens to find that the prescription that was supposed to be there wasn't.   They kindly called to check and got the precription forwarded to them only to find that they did not have the item.  They called around and discovered that Aurora had it so I went over there to get it.   In the mean time the antibiotic  precription came through so I went back to Walgreens to pick THAT up before filling my gas tank and heading home.

If you think you are confused, put yourself in my shoes.    This is the last blog that you will receive from me until Sunday night.   Hope you miss my. 

God love you


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