Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, grocery shopping day.   I left at 8AM,  did the grocery shopping, lottery tickets and then went to Walgreens for prescriptions etc.    After leaving there, I stopped at Sun Graphics to have copies made for the CWI Gathering on Friday night.   A quick drive through the bank drive through and I was home again.

I made a fruit salad and mixed up the raw beef Dick had requested with onions so he could have it on the half and half rye (which is the proper way to eat it) for lunch and dinner.    Every so often, he asks for that and eats it for both meals that day while it is fresh.

I finished the Bridget wall hanging and have it all rolled up to take to the Gathering.   I also went and filled up a bottle from the stream in back of the house for the water ceremony.   I got the water yesterday.     I will send a picture of the wall hanging after the unveiling this weekend.

Dick has to see Dr. Moreno tomorrow.   That wound on his right leg looked like it was finally healing two days ago, then today when I unwrapped it found that it was worse again.  I just don't want to wait until Monday to get it checked.  Let you know about that tomorrow night.

That is all for today.    Hope you had a good one.   It was rainy and damp most of the day but definitely not cold.   That is a good sign.

Love you


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