Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, shopping day.   We woke up to find that our marvelous snow plow crew had been through during the night and the driveways, sidewalks and roads were all clear.

We had decided that if it was clear we were going to have a Mc Donald's breakfast so I went and got it as soon as we were up and dressed.   Tasted good too.  Do you know that they are now serving oatmeal?   I have a coupon for a free bowl.    Perhaps I will try it one of these days.

It was a busy computer day as we have finally a final cost for the Ireland trip and are now requesting final payment and trying to make sure that everybody knows what they need to know to prepare for the trip.   I have been following the weather and it seems to be warming up there.  The past week and going into the next week seem to be settling into the 50s. in Dublin and the rain is sporadic.   Yippee.   It will at least be much warmer than here.

The only other errands were the bank and the drug store.    

Tomorrow, Dick gets his blood coagulation checked and then I will go to see Mother in the afternoon.   I got a call from Dr. Larson, her eye doctor,   we really need to reschedule her eye checkup.

There was a little snow today but none of it settled on the ground.   It all seemed to melt on contact.   Now, If it does not get so cold that we get ice, we are in good shape.    We seem to be better off than the poor people in the middle of the country and east of us.

I am glad to see that God and prayer are playing such a big part in the mourning for the victims and the survivors and the families of those affected by the shooting in Arizona.   In tragedy we call on Him.   What we need to do is to remember that He is here in the peaceful and  good times also.   At those times we should offer thanks and praise.

Take care and God love you.


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