Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Today was a very busy day.     I started off a bit early for the grocery store because I wanted to fill up the gas tank before we went into Sheboygan later today.

Dick was concerned about going out in the cold.   Can't say as I blame him as he cannot move too far on his own and it was below zero when he woke up in the night.   It was already 5 above when I got up and did achieve 16 degrees by afternoon.

Anyway, I was back from grocery shopping, the bank and filling the tank by 9:30AM so we had plenty of time to get Dick's leggings changed and everything we needed for our traveling to Wisconsin Prosthesis in Sheboygan so that Tim can do work on Dick's shoe and his prosthesis itself.    While in Sheboygan, Bobbie and I drove over to Ella's Dela for lunch.   We got an egg salad on rye for Bobbie, a tuna salad on rye for Dick and me and cookies for all of us, including Tim and his assistant.

I also picked up some tube a grip pieces for Dick's leg from Dr. Moreno's nurse, Dorothy.   She hardly recognized me without Dick.

Tim got Dick's shoe fixed except for the insert -he took the mold for that and will call when it is manufactured.   He did some filling on the prosthesis itself.  We are hoping to help his foot stop from twisting under.

By the time we got home, at almost 2PM, I was exhausted so I took a nap.   I must have really needed it because I slept quite soundly for a while.

We had leftovers for supper and I am working a bit on Christmas Cards.  For some reason, I am having trouble getting them done this year.

Hope it is warmer tomorrow.   We do have to take Dick for his anticoagulation test in the morning.    Then Bobbie and I will work on the wine.

I put a lasagna together for our lunch.

Take care and enjoy this special season.

God bless you


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