Friday, December 03, 2010

Today turned out to be an at home day.    Most of my bank buddies were busy or sick so we canceled lunch.   I did make one quick errand trip to pick up canned milk for my second batch of fudge, the one with nuts and to drop off some papers at the insurance company.

So now you know that I make fudge.    Jody came and cleaned this morning.   Next week we are going to clean above the kitchen cupboards and put the Christmas Santas up there.

A little bit of wash, a little bit of decorating.   It was a full day.
Lots of calls about tomorrow.  It is the annual Christmas Tea cosponsored by us, the Celtic Women, the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center and the Plymouth History Museum.     Supposed to have snow but not enough to damper the celebration.   We have Theiss and OConnor performing for us and baked goods from our Celtic Ladies, including my Irish Brown bread.    Join us, if you can, at the Plymouth History Museum at 420 E. Mill in Plymouth WI.   We are gathering at 1PM and scattering at about 3PM so everybody can go to Mass if they choose.

I will be making brown bread in the morning.  I know that the smell of it cooking will drive me crazy until I am able to join everybody in eating it at the TEA.

"If you can put yourself in other people's shoes and wish other people the shoes that you like best yourself we have a recipe for better relationships with each other."  Zlata Filipovic

God love you


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